Vitamin Angels Rated 7th in Quality of Collaboration with its NGO Partners

Santa Barbara, CA – Vitamin Angels’ non-governmental organization (NGO) field partners reported high levels of overall satisfaction across four categories of evaluation in a survey conducted by the independent third party, Keystone Accountability. Vitamin Angels was rated 7th out of a global cohort of 80 international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) that underwent a similar evaluation by the UK-based firm. As Vitamin Angels recently exceeded a record 1,100 active NGO partners globally, the largely positive ratings serve to reinforce the organization’s aptitude for applying its unique model to implement its mission.

“[Vitamin Angels] is an organization that listens to its partners and is performing well,” reported Keystone Accountability in summary of the evaluation.

Nearly half of Vitamin Angels’ network of NGO partners representing 46 countries took part in the survey, which was conducted in six languages over a 3-month period. Overall satisfaction was markedly high, with a majority of partners reporting that they would recommend Vitamin Angels to others.

“We are delighted to hear that our partners appreciate our support and are hoping to receive a more comprehensive range of assistance from Vitamin Angels in the future,” said Kristen Hurley, Director of Programs for Vitamin Angels. “These findings reinforce our plans to continue to help strengthen our partners’ implementation, advocacy, and networking capacities in 2017 and beyond.”

Through the survey, Vitamin Angels sought to understand what its field partners believe the organization does well and where opportunities exist to improve. The organization is scheduling in-depth discussions with field partners to deepen its interpretation of the feedback received. Outcomes from the survey will be used to guide strategic planning and day-to-day operations. Vitamin Angels plans to repeat the survey process in the future to track progress over time.

The comprehensive online survey covered topics related to capacity building, administration, relationships, and understanding and learning. Vitamin Angels’ score for the capacity building category was the highest of any organization in the global cohort.

Read the Executive Summary or Full Report >>.