When you’re pregnant, good nutrition and regular prenatal care are essential—there’s no catching up later on.
Already a loving mom to three daughters, Jasmine knew prenatal vitamins and minerals were vital for her health—and the health of her babies. (Yes, babies, plural.)
While Jasmine is once again expecting girls, this time around, they’re twins! She and her partner suspected as much from the beginning of her pregnancy because Jasmine is so in touch with her body. From past experience, she also knew she needed to keep everyone’s health and nutrition needs top of mind.
“I know that in an ideal pregnancy, you want to start taking prenatals before you’re even pregnant,” explained Jasmine, who received Vitamin Angels prenatal vitamins and minerals near where she lives in Ohio. “I did start taking prenatals right away. I know nutrition is so important for the baby’s brain development, so I needed to make sure I had them. And not just for the baby but for me too!”

Unlike her other pregnancies, Jasmine experienced bouts of morning sickness, which made taking charge of her nutrition even more pressing.
“Nutrition has played a massive role during this pregnancy because…I couldn’t keep anything down…I started losing weight,” she explained. “I knew I had to replenish those vitamins and minerals.”
Proper nutrition during pregnancy is vital, but even the healthiest diet may not supply all the nutrients a mom and baby need. And even with the best of intentions, women may not be able to access or afford prenatal vitamins and minerals. Vitamin Angels partners with local organizations to fill coverage gaps for pregnant women unable to access prenatal vitamins and minerals because they lack finances, insurance coverage, or transportation.
Snapshot: Benefits of Prenatal Vitamins & Minerals
- Improve pregnancy outcomes by supporting maternal health
- Build a strong foundation for babies to grow and develop into healthy children
- Can help to reduce anemia in pregnant women, support immune systems, and decrease neural tube defects (NTD) and the number of small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants.
As a stay-at-home mom and full-time student, Jasmine can’t say enough about listening to your instincts during a pregnancy. Especially because you may feel pressure to “be a superwoman.”
“Trust your body,” Jasmine says. “You know when you need to rest—don’t let anyone convince you that you’re not doing enough.”
As her pregnancy progresses, Jasmine is looking forward to welcoming two new bundles of joy—and watching them grow up.
“Just seeing their personalities develop, seeing what they took from me and seeing them be proud of themselves when they’ve accomplished something—it’s a feeling I can’t compare to anything else.”