Santa Barbara, CA – On September 7th, Vitamin Angels won a coveted Brandon Hall Group gold award in the category of “Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program.” Developed in partnership with TorranceLearning, Vitamin Angels’ learning solution allows it to bring online learning to remote areas even where there’s no Internet service. Health care providers take an online course and a test delivered on a flash drive with a self-contained web server and browser that can be passed around from computer to computer. The flash drive supports the essential functions of a web-based learning management system – even providing a completion certificate – slimmed down to fit in a low-tech portable device. When the flash drive connects with any internet-connected computer, learners’ records are then sent to a central learning management system where records can be inspected and verified. Simply stated, this solution brings online learning and centralized record keeping to the most remote places in the world – everywhere Vitamin Angels needs to be.
Clayton Ajello, a Vitamin Angels’ board member explained the need to begin to use technology to extend the reach of its learning programs, “When you are successfully delivering nutrition services to over 50 million children in 66 countries, you suddenly have a massive training challenge. And that gets bigger when your goal is to deliver services to 85 million children in the next two years. We knew that technology could offer a solution, but no one else had faced the same technical challenges and scale. That’s why we decided to partner with TorranceLearning and invent our own solution.”
Megan Torrance, CEO of TorranceLearning explains the challenge of reaching remote providers without internet access or smartphones. “It was clear to us from the start that Vitamin Angels has a classic case for online learning – they needed consistent, repeatable, high-quality training at massive scale – except that the service providers they reach aren’t reliably connected to the internet. The Technical Services and Field Operations teams at Vitamin Angels have jumped into this project with both feet. Months of development and field testing have helped to ensure that whether service providers are taking the course online or via the flash drive, the experience is the same.”
“Excellence Award winners symbolize the power and impact that Human Capital Management practices can have on a business or on any organization,” said Rachel Cooke, Chief Operating Officer of Brandon Hall Group and head of the awards program. “Many organizations can have great HCM initiatives, but the standard of excellence only applies for organizations whose HCM practices truly benefit the business. That’s what the Excellence Awards program stands for, and that is what Brandon Hall Group stands for.”
The award entries were evaluated by a panel of veteran, independent senior industry experts, Brandon Hall Group analysts and executives based upon the following criteria: fit the need, design of the program, functionality, innovation, and overall measureable benefits. A complete list of winners can be found here.
The eLearning solution was featured on CNN Money earlier this year, and recognized with the “Best of Show” award at Demofest, part of the eLearning Guild’s Learning Solutions Conference.
About TorranceLearning
TorranceLearning helps clients build individual and organizational success by crafting custom learning experiences. By combining performance-based instructional design with software development and engaging media, TorranceLearning improves on-the-job results for people working in corporate, association and non-profit roles. TorranceLearning is based in Chelsea, Michigan. To learn more, visit www.torrancelearning.com.
About Brandon Hall Group
About Brandon Hall Group Brandon Hall Group is a HCM research and advisory services firm that provides insights around key performance areas, including Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Talent Acquisition and Workforce Management.
With more than 10,000 clients globally and 20 years of delivering world-class research and advisory services, Brandon Hall Group is focused on developing research that drives performance in emerging and large organizations, and provides strategic insights for executives and practitioners responsible for growth and business results. (www.brandonhall.com)