• From the Past to the Present, and Beyond

    A lot can change in twenty-five years. We’ve witnessed a digital revolution, made groundbreaking feats in medicine, and have more ways to travel now than ever before, to name only a few innovations. But one thing that has remained constant, the support shared by our Founding Partner, NOW Foods. One of only two companies with…

  • Morning Star: Diem Labs Donates $20,000 Including 25 Cents From All Products to Vitamin Angels

    ANN ARBOR, Mich., April 08, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Diem Labs has committed $20,000 to Vitamin Angels this year and in honor of the charity’s 25th anniversary will include as part of that donation 25 cents for each product sale. Vitamin Angels is a public health organization that reached more than 70 million mothers and children in…

  • One Mom’s Whole World

    Jakelin, a mom from Arizona developed a strong bond with her daughter Hannah, even before she was born.  The first time mother shared what it felt like to become a mom, “It was everything that you could feel. I was proud. I was joyful. I was in love. And I was scared too, but I…