SANTA BARBARA, CA – On Tuesday, September 26, more than 250 guests representing over 80 companies across the Natural Products Industry and beyond, attended Vitamin Angels’ 2nd Annual reception at Topgolf™ in Las Vegas, NV. The event raised over $175,000 through sponsorships, ticket sales, and onsite fundraising. Proceeds will go toward Vitamin Angels’ efforts to combat…
Santa Barbara, CA – Vitamin Angels, a 501(c)3 charity that provides nutritional support to children and mothers in need, is proud to announce the receipt of another four-star rating from Charity Navigator, the nation’s premier charity evaluator. Receiving this exceptional designation for the sixth consecutive year places the organization in the top five percent of charities…
Santa Barbara, CA – On September 7th, Vitamin Angels won a coveted Brandon Hall Group gold award in the category of “Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program.” Developed in partnership with TorranceLearning, Vitamin Angels’ learning solution allows it to bring online learning to remote areas even where there’s no Internet service. Health care providers take…