I was 19 years old. I had just started working as a filmmaker. Most of my assignments were travel based where I would be sent to different places around the world to make a wide variety of films. Like many 19 year olds, I was angsty and clueless. All I knew was I had some…
As the boat docks at the pier of Manipur village, the team from the Southern Health Improvement Samity (SHIS), our field partner in the area, is ready to get off with equipment for the day’s clinic in hand. My colleague, Shruti, and I look at each other in horror as everyone effortlessly walks across the…
The Vitamin Shoppe, an omni channel specialty retailer of nutritional products, raised over $700K in 30 days through a robust event, in-store and digital campaign throughout the month of May to benefit Vitamin Angels, a global public health organization fighting to end malnutrition worldwide. Through this campaign, The Vitamin Shoppe reached more than 2.8 million mothers and children in the U.S.…