Nourish Moms this Mother’s Day

Help us end maternal malnutrition. Donations Tripled!

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Nature's Sunshine logo in black.

*from May 6-12, 2024 up to a total of $25,000.

In the US, 1 in 4 pregnant women is underserved.

Across the US, over 1 million pregnant women are underserved and lack access to the resources they need for a healthy pregnancy due to socioeconomic disparities, including poverty, unemployment, lack of transportation, and inadequate access to health services.

Many US counties don’t provide adequate maternal care services, exposing mothers and their newborns to heightened risks of health complications.

Vitamin Angels distributes prenatal vitamins and minerals to women of reproductive age and pregnant women in underserved communities in all 50 US states and Puerto Rico in partnership with over 350 organizations. We promote healthier pregnancies and improved birth outcomes by helping to ensure access early in pregnancy or before conception.

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Essential Resources and a Warm Welcome

Stephie came to the US from the Democratic Republic of Congo while pregnant with her son, Ludovic. Without friends and family nearby, her transition was challenging, but she was grateful for the free prenatal vitamins and minerals distributed by Vitamin Angels At six months old, Ludovic had chubby cheeks and a curious personality.

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I’m grateful for the people that support the clinic because if you support the clinic, you’re supporting me, and that’s something very beautiful.

Sinthia, pregnant woman and program participant
Colorful orange background with floral pattern.