Good News Network: Survey Says Uplifting Other Women is Top Priority for 70% of American Females —International Women’s Day

According to a new survey, 63% of Americans believe there will always be gender discrimination in the US—but despite those experiences, 69% of women feel more empowered today than ever before.

The survey asked 2,000 Americans about their opinions on gender equality ahead of International Women’s Day. Of the 1,000 men surveyed, 72% agreed that women still face gender discrimination nearly every day.

Maybe that’s why seven in 10 women surveyed (70%) said that, for them, uplifting fellow women is a top priority.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Vitamin Angels  the survey found that nearly three-quarters of respondents agreed that women’s empowerment is a critical aspect to achieving gender equality.

Where does that empowerment come from? A majority of the survey participants agreed that finding your passion in life was the biggest factor—and ‘feeling confident in yourself’ was critical.

Feeling empowerment may be as easy as eating healthier and getting some exercise, as eight in ten women reported that they feel more empowered when they feel healthy.

Respondents also shared where they receive their empowerment from, and 60% said their mother was their top inspiration.


  • Finding your passion in life
  • Becoming a parent
  • Feeling confident in yourself
  • Inspiring others
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Taking care of your mental health
  • Getting a promotion
  • Learning acceptance and patience
  • Giving back to your community
  • Experiencing new cultures
  • Becoming a godparent/guardian
  • Traveling to new places

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