Abiola Akanni
Abiola joined the Vitamin Angels team after working with the United Nations World Food Programme in Nepal. Now, as a country consultant in Nigeria, she recruits NGOs to join Vitamin Angels’ field partner network and help reduce vitamin A deficiency in the area. The field partners’ efforts serve to complement what the Nigerian government is also doing to reduce VAD in the country; this two-pronged approach helps ensure that more children under five are reached.
Vitamin Angels’ unique approach to healthcare inspired Abiola to get inovlved – collectively, we’re “helping the civil society in Nigeria understand that health services can be delivered at minimal cost,” she says. The best part about her job, she says, is that our team is “spreading the word that it is also the civil society’s responsibility to ensure that there are healthy [children] under five in Nigeria,” and she’s proud that her work has contributed to reaching over three million children in Nigeria.
When Abiola isn’t working, she enjoys cleaning and eating her favorite local meal, wheat and edikaikiong soup. She also makes an effort to exercise to keep her body and mind healthy!
Team member since 2013.