Technical Specialist, Nutrition Programs Asia
Aishwarya Panicker
Aishwarya Panicker is a public health professional with over 12 years of experience. In her capacity as Technical Specialist for Asia, she works closely with country teams (across Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Nepal and India) and provides technical and project management support for implementation science (IS) activities across Asia, including designing and expanding IS studies to generate evidence to improve maternal, infant, and young child nutrition. Her overall aim is to utilize her background in action research across various health systems to improve programmatic impact and build engagement between communities, public health interventions and policy.
Aishwarya holds an M.Sc. degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is a graduate of Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi. She has been a Salzburg Global Fellow since 2020.
Team member since 2021.