Vitamin Angels Poised for Dynamic Growth, Expanding Nutrition Programs and Projecting to Double Prenatal Vitamin Program Impact

Vitamin Angels Founder & CEO, Howard Schiffer, announces transition to ambassador role after 30 years as nonprofit leader

Vitamin Angels is poised for significant growth, projecting to expand its portfolio of nutrition programs and double the impact of its prenatal vitamin program over the next five years. Amidst this dynamic growth, Howard Schiffer, Vitamin Angels Founder and CEO, announced his move to an ambassador role within the nonprofit, a decision that aligns with his planned, strategic vision for the future of the organization.

“Vitamin Angels is experiencing an exciting time of growth and opportunity,” said Howard Schiffer, Vitamin Angels Founder and CEO. “Through new collaborations, we are not only expanding our nutrition programs around the world but projecting to double the impact of our prenatal vitamin program.”

The announcement to double the impact of its maternal nutrition programs comes at a critical time in the world as the global maternal health crisis continues. Today, more than one third of pregnant women globally are anemic. Maternal undernutrition (i.e., iron deficiency anemia) increases risk of maternal mortality, poor maternal health, and suboptimal pregnancy outcomes, including the risk of babies being born too small.

To support organizational growth, Vitamin Angels plans to increase its resourcing and internal capacities. In Schiffer’s new role, he will continue to serve as Founder and Board Member, while providing strategic insight at the executive level. Vitamin Angels’ Board of Directors has initiated a global search to select the new CEO. Caldwell Partners will be leading the search. Schiffer will remain CEO until a new CEO is appointed.

“It’s been an incredible journey leading this organization for the past 30 years,” said Schiffer. “I am looking forward to this next chapter of growth for Vitamin Angels and continuing to support our efforts in my new role as ambassador.”

To learn more about Vitamin Angels’ 2023 impact and accomplishments, view Vitamin Angels 2023 Annual Report.