Walgreens and Vitamin Angels Spotlight: One in 100 Million

Santa Barbara, CA – November 10- Vitamin Angels, a 501(c)(3) public charity, acknowledged the landmark achievement made through its collaboration with Walgreens by spotlighting one of the 100 million mothers and children reached with life changing vitamins thanks to the relationship.

Priscilla, a four-year-old girl who Vitamin Angels met in Uganda last year, is a shining example of the power of vitamins. Her grandmother, Edinansi, reported that since Priscilla began receiving vitamin A and deworming tablets two years ago, her energy and general health have greatly improved. Edinansi, inspired by the transformation, has become a community advocate for supplementation, pointing to her healthy, vibrant granddaughter as an example of how beneficial these vitamins can be.

Echoing a sentiment foundational to Vitamin Angels’ mission, Edinansi shared, “prevention is better than having to cure.” She also often travels door-to-door to spread the word, motivated by her belief that “the children thrive when they are healthy.”

“Helping Priscilla have a chance to lead a healthy and productive life reminds us of the power of vitamins,” said Howard B. Schiffer, president and founder of Vitamin Angels. “Knowing that vitamins are the least expensive and most effective way to end preventable childhood deaths shows us that change is possible. Having Walgreens help us to reach 100 million mothers and children in a few short years highlights what can happen when organizations with a shared mission join together for a common good. Together, we are making healthy children and happy moms a reality everywhere. This is a phenomenal accomplishment!”

Through its collaboration with Walgreens, Vitamin Angels has supplied vitamins that prevent blindness and other serious conditions associated with childhood undernutrition to 100 million mothers and children, like Priscilla, worldwide. Over the past two years, Walgreens has donated one percent of retail sales from vitamin and supplement purchases, culminating in a total of more than $25 million as of September 2016. Achieving its goal months ahead of schedule, Walgreens continues to work with Vitamin Angels to reach more children in need through the program.

“We’re extremely grateful for the support from Walgreens customers and employees, and their participation in the Vitamin Angels program, as together we are making a difference, helping impact lives around the world,” said Robert Tompkins, Walgreens group vice president and general merchandise manager, health and wellness. “It’s great to see how we’ve helped millions of people in need through this program, which also supports our efforts to improve population health, particularly within underserved communities.”

Last year, select Walgreens team members traveled to Uganda to see firsthand the impact that the program is making on the lives of children like Priscilla.  To see content from their experience, watch the See What They See series and virtual reality videos including Family Circle.

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