Ana received prenatal multivitamins provided by Vitamin Angels when she visited her local WIC clinic. She is now a mother of a toddler and baby who are growing happy and healthy. Ana can’t help but tell all of her expecting friends “The vitamins work!”
Ana, mother of two from Iowa, looked down at her 7-month-old son with love. Kenny was quick to share a big smile with his mom. While sometimes the birth of a second child can create tension with older siblings, Ana said that her three-year-old daughter whole-heartedly embraces Kenny. “She wasn’t jealous when he was born, she was very protective. She loves him. She plays with him a lot, and wants to do everything for him, [like] changing his diaper. She can’t, but she tries!” Ana leaned over and kissed Kenny’s chubby cheek.
When Ana became pregnant with her first child three years ago she was unsure where to go to receive prenatal healthcare. Her sister took her to the local WIC office and helped her make an appointment. At Ana’s first appointment, she was offered prenatal multivitamins from Vitamin Angels by the nurse. “I took some, and I have liked those since then. When I found out I was pregnant with him [Kenny], I’m like well, ‘I gotta go to WIC, and get some vitamins!’”

As she has watched each of her children grow healthy and happy, she can’t help but share with other moms about prenatals. “I see my friends get pregnant, I’m like go to WIC! Come in, the vitamins work! I don’t like buying anything without asking somebody who has taken them. [Prenatals from Vitamin Angels are] good, and they’re safe. They’re tiny, and they’re easy to take. So, I recommend those a lot!”
For many low-income families, and those who are un-insured or under-insured, there are many barriers to access for healthcare. Word of mouth can play a huge role in encouraging women to seek out the care they need. The confidence that comes with receiving the recommendation from a trusted source can have life-changing effects.
Ana proudly shared that Kenny is in good health and meeting all of his milestones; he’s babbling, getting better at using his fingers, rolling over and sitting up. It was clear just how much Ana loved being a mom. “I get to spend all my time with them” she said. “They’re just great. I love them.”

What is WIC?
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.
Vitamin Angels partners with WIC clinics and other nonprofits across the country to distribute prenatal multivitamins to at-risk pregnant women.
Give Prenatals to Moms Like Ana