A grassroots advocacy campaign is a great way for mission-oriented organizations to mobilize their memberships and take action in the political or social sphere. The more awareness an organization can bring to important and specific issues, the greater the amount of public support for their chosen cause. Not quite sure where to begin with your…
Nonprofits tend to think of themselves as completely different from any business in the for-profit arena, as the goals of both types of companies are inherently different. While a for-profit business seeks to create value for the owner or shareholders, a nonprofit is primarily concerned with giving back to the community. Despite these differences in…
The start of the new year ushers in a flurry of resolutions, the majority of which are health-related. Whether it’s a commitment to clock in more hours at the gym or the promise to cook more meals at home, sources show that most New Year’s affirmations revolve around physical well-being. Did you know there are…