• Dr. Elizabeth Kimani-Murage joins Vitamin Angels’ board of directors

    Santa Barbara, CA, USA – Vitamin Angels, a global charity connecting at-risk pregnant women and children to essential vitamins and minerals, today announced the appointment of Dr. Elizabeth Kimani-Murage to its board of directors. A public health specialist and researcher based in Kenya, Dr. Kimani-Murage has focused much of her work on finding solutions to childhood nutrition problems in…

  • Relentless Forward Progress in Nicaragua

    Dr. Laura Parajón (pictured above on the right) runs AMOS Health & Hope out of Managua, Nicaragua’s capital and largest city. But when we spoke to her by video conference, she answered the call from Antigua, Guatemala where she was attending a USAID conference. Recently, Nicaragua has been experiencing civil unrest, and the AMOS team…

  • Honoring Birth Around the World

    The birth of a baby is cause for celebration. How each culture, country, and religion welcomes new life is beautifully unique and often reflective of the unique heritage of the community. As we expand our reach to support safe pregnancies and healthy babies for more women around the world, on occasion, we are granted the…