Nohemi’s kitchen is the heart of her home – a cool, inviting space out of the blazing sun where corn crops thrive in the rolling hills of Michoacán, Mexico. Her kitchen also serves as a classroom where she teaches her daughter the traditional process of making masa from corn. Corn, or maize, is central to…
Whether it’s delivering Vitamin A supplementation, deworming tablets, or prenatal multiple micronutrient supplements (MMS), Vitamin Angels has a core tenet of quality. All the product-based interventions that we provide must pass rigorous standards. We consistently aim for and reach the highest internationally recognized quality standards achievable. Women and children deserve that and more; it’s an…
In 1975, Indonesia’s Ministry of Health introduced iron and folic acid (IFA) supplementation as a leading intervention to prevent malnutrition during pregnancy. However, nearly five decades later, the country continues to face high rates of anemia during pregnancy. Since the 1990s, research has identified multiple micronutrient supplements (MMS) as a proven and effective prenatal supplement.…