Findings from an online survey conducted by 5W Public Relations found that investing in long-term health and wellness is not a high priority for many millennials. However, research from the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) found that millennials are less healthy than members of the prior generation at the same age. So why aren’t millennials investing more in…
Speaker and Participants of the Multiple-Micronutrient Supplementation Symposium (MMS) at the Luwansha Hotel, Jakarta, (1/13/2020) Jakarta, – Multiple-Micronutrient Supplementation (MMS) has been proven to improve the quality of pregnant women and babies born. Thus preventing stunting. However, to implement it into a program it is still necessary to study the effectiveness and cost of the program, including the…
Interviewees and Lecturers before the Symposium and General Stadium at UAA – (photo: Rahajeng Pramesi) BANTUL, – Lack of vitamin A in infants and children is fatal for their future development. Vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness, decreased endurance and even vulnerable to various diseases. Therefore a joint solution is needed for Indonesian children and toddlers to…